Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Why do you need a personal statement?

Hi everyone. Quite a few people I've talked to recently are having trouble with their personal statement for university ( as we all have had ). They can be the most annoying things on the planet and do drive some people nuts (well, it certainly drove me nuts). So, I've decided to remind you all exactly why you need to do a personal statement. 

Hopefully you can look at this blog whilst you're drafting your statement and use it to remind you exactly why you're putting yourself through this pain. You won't regret it...honest :)

When a uni is sifting through the 1000's of applications it gets, it tends to look very much so at the personal statement. without the statement, your application could be the same as someone elses. Good grades, same course choice, good school etc. The statement is the only thing the uni can use to tell you apart from everyone else. they get an idea of your personality. (It's also a really good way for you to show off with your extra curricular activities, your interest in the subject and of course, your writing style. you want to show that you're capable of writing properly with full sentences etc. it's surprising the number of people that can't actually write very well.)

When you're doing your personal statement, you should be aiming to do at least a couple of drafts and try and get your friends and teachers to look over it for you. Don't let spelling mistakes or bad grammar slip in!

Hope this helps you guys. It was a nightmare when I was applying so I've tried to do a little guide for everyone to try and help you. Keep looking out for new posts! :)

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