Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Hot tips for your Personal Statement!

Personal statements are a pain to write, but hopefully these tips will help you :)
  • When you've chosen a subject you want to study at uni, google '(your subject name) personal ststement' and a whole bunch should come up. you can then get ideas from all of them and see for yourself which ones are good or bad.
  • Never copy anything from anyone's statement. UCAS have advanced software that can pick up on any plagiarism straight away.
  • Always remember to explain everything. Don't just mention what extra curricular activities you do, you have to state them and then say what skills you've gained form them and how these skills could help you during the course.
  • If you've read a book related to your course, it's always good to include it and mention what you've learned from it.
  •  I personally  suggest starting off your statement with why you wnat to do the course.
  •  Mention any voluntary work you've done.
  • Don't do what some people did which was to use a thesaurus for every word. It's good to include some big words and sophisticated vocab but don't go overboard. You end up just sounding really strange.
I hope these tips are helpful. I applied for uni last september and should be starting this autumn and these tips seemed to work pretty well for me :) They're not outdated or anything so they should still be useful. you can always leave me a comment if you want any extra tips about specific things!

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